Friday, February 22, 2013

Half Term in Dusseldorf

I don't usually get half term off with my little CC, so when I worked a whole load of overtime at work in November and December, I asked the powers-that-be if, in return, I could take off February half term week, and they said 'Yes'.

CC and I flew off on Saturday with easyJet from London Gatwick to Dusseldorf. We checked in and ate pancakes at a rather extortionate £9.00 for three pancakes at one of the airport eateries, which I thought was rather expensive... We didn't even eat three between us. They did not taste good.We waited an age for the gate to be announced, which was no bad thing as it meant we were able to buy Twilight Breaking Dawn Part II - the book which CC has wanted to get for the longest time.

The fllight was uneventful. We landed and caught the Skytrain to Dusseldorf main train station (Dusseldorf Hauptbahnhof) and from there we caught a train direct to Gutersloh. The journey was about 2 hours long and the train was busy as there was a football match at Dortmund.

The next few days we spent relaxing, we also went to the museum in Munster, which is next to the 'All weather' (Alles Wetter) zoo, I'm sure it would have been more fun in the sunshine though, rather than the freezing February temperatures.

On our last day CC and I caught the train back to Dusseldorf main train station and having paid 4 euros to leave our bags at the station, we hopped on the underground (U-bahn) 3 stops  to the AltStadt, we walked along to the Rhine and took a photo and then walked along to Konig Strasse, with all the lovely designer stores. It was lots of fun. Unfortunately, we couldn't buy anything as we were already at our baggage limit, but we had fun all the same.

I saw that the station was signposted just a kilometer away, so I knew we could walk there rather than take the tube. Typically though, like most main train stations it was surrounded by an active red-light district. Not the best place to walk through with your 11 yr old.. so if you read this, don't walk to the station, jump back on the U-bahn instead.. save yourself having to explain what a 'sex shop' is...

Soon enough we were in the Duty free store, stocking up on Milka chocolate to take back for friends and family. We arrived back at Gatwick, caught the Gatwick Express to East Croydon and jumped in a cab home.

All in all, it was such an easy journey. The people were friendly enough. If you are contemplating travelling alone in Europe with your child, I would highly recommend it. I'm very much looking forward to my next European trip with my little CC. We're already eyeing up Rome and Prague !

Have you travelled alone abroad with your child ?

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